本帖最后由 zhujunteng123 于 2012-12-10 01:24:36 编辑
sub main()
Dim aWhere, keyword, stype, area, lang, topic, level, from,down, sserver, state, repeat, repeatlen, order, pagenum, spic,typearr,hide
keyword = be("all", "keyword"): stype = be("all", "stype")
area = be("all", "area"): topic = be("all", "topic")
level = be("all", "level"): from = be("all", "from") : down = be("all","down")
sserver = be("all", "sserver"): state = be("all", "state")
repeat = be("all", "repeat"): repeatlen = be("all", "repeatlen")
order = be("all", "order"): pagenum = be("all", "page")
spic = be("all", "spic") : hide = be("all", "hide")
lang = be("all", "lang"):
If Not isNum(level) Then level = 0 Else level = CInt(level)
If Not isNum(state) Then state = 0 Else state = CInt(state)
If Not isNum(stype) Then stype = 0 Else stype = CInt(stype)
If Not isNum(topic) Then topic = 0 Else topic = CInt(topic)
If Not isNum(pagenum) Then pagenum = 1 else pagenum = Cint(pagenum)
If Not isNum(topic) Then topic = 0 Else topic = CInt(topic)
If Not isNum(spic) Then spic = 0 else spic=cint(spic)
If Not isNum(hide) Then hide = -1 else hide=cint(hide)
if Not isNum(repeatlen) then repeatlen=0
If pagenum < 1 Then pagenum = 1
aWhere = " 1=1 "
If Not isN(keyword) Then aWhere = aWhere & " AND (d_name like N'%" & keyword & "%' or d_starring like N'%" & keyword & "%') "
If stype > 0 Then
typearr = getValueByArray(cachevodtype, stype)
if isarray(typearr) then
aWhere = aWhere & " AND d_type in( " & typearr(11) & ") "
aWhere = aWhere & " AND d_type=" & stype & " "
end if
end if
If stype = -1 Then aWhere = aWhere & " AND d_type=0 "