日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20921 次

又碰到IIS 访问asp得到500错误

? ? ?上次碰到这个问题,是因为Com+ 没有IIS Out-Of-Process Pooled Applications, 当时好像是重装了下IIS解决了(记得不是很清楚。) 无奈今天问题又出现了,我也不知道咋回事,不过显然跟上次不一样。

? ? ?IIS Out-Of-Process Pooled Applications还在那运行的好好的,看帖子说要同步下密码,所以执行了下?C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts>synciwam.vbs, 结果得到一个80110414的错误;然后有找了下,发现的确是密码不同步造成,解决步骤如下,

To resolve this issue, reset the passwords for the IUSR and the IWAM accounts so that they are the same in both the Internet Information Services (IIS) metabase and in the local accounts directory. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Computer Management. ?
2. Under System Tools, click Local Users and Groups, and then click Users.?
3. Right-click IUSR_ComputerName, and then click Set Password.?
4. Click Proceed.?
5. Type the password in the New password box and in the Confirm password box, and then click OK.?
6. Right-click IWAM_ComputerName, and then click Set Password.?
7. Click Proceed.?
8. Type the password in the New password box and in the Confirm password box, and then click OK.?
9. Quit Computer Management.?
10. Click Start, and then click Run.?
11. In the Open box, type cmd and then click OK.?
12. Type cd drive:\inetpub\adminscripts, where drive is the drive where Windows is installed, and then press ENTER.?
13. To reset the password for the IUSR_ComputerName account, type the following command (where password is the password that you set in step 5), and then press ENTER:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?adsutil.vbs set w3svc/anonymoususerpass "password"?
14. To reset the password for the IWAM_ComputerName account, type the following command (where password is the password that you set in step 8), and then press ENTER:?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?? adsutil.vbs set w3svc/wamuserpass "password"?
15. Update the starting identity of all?IIS?COM+ application packages by typing the following at the command prompt:?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?synciwam.vbs -v
Note You may need to restart?IIS?for all changes to take effect. To restart?IIS, click Start, click Run, type iisreset, and then click OK.?


? ? 说的有点多,但是非常清晰可执行,简而言之,就是设置了4个密码,最后执行了个同步。记录以备忘,及给其他人参考,此法确实可行。

? ? 顺便说下,看了养成随手记笔记的习惯真的很重要,拖着等有空再记下来,结果往往是不会记的,因为都忘记了,或是忘记了重点。很多问题解决了下次出现又要重新想办法。