日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20905 次
<% 'date signtime = formatdatetime(now,2) 'response.Write(signtime) 'Year(now()) 'Month(now()) 'day(now()) set conn=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") DBPath = Server.MapPath("/signin/20120720.mdb") conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source="&DBpath set rs=conn.execute ("select time as st from sign where username = '"&username&"'") str ="" if rs.eof then set rs=conn.execute ("insert into sign (username) Values ('"&username&"')") If DateDiff("h",CDate(st),st) > 24 then '这里我还不知道怎么比较 %> <script language="JavaScript"> alert("今日已经签到!") history.go(-1) </script> <% else sql = "update sign set times = times + 1 and time = '"&Year(now())-Month(now())-day(now())&"' where username = "&username&"'" conn.execute (sql) %> <script language="JavaScript"> alert("签到成功!") history.go(datecheck.asp) </script> <% end if end if %>
<% username = "xxxx" Set conn = CreateObject("adodb.connection") DBPath = Server.MapPath("/signin/20120720.mdb") conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source="& DBPath sql = "SELECT [username], [time], [times] FROM [sign] WHERE [username] = '" & Replace(username, "'", "''") & "'" Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.CursorLocation = 3 rs.Open sql, conn, 1, 3 If rs.EOF And rs.BOF Then rs.AddNew rs("username").Value = username rs("time").Value = Now() rs("times").Value = 1 rs.Update b = True Else If DateDiff("h", CDate(rs("time").Value), Now()) < 24 Then b = False Else b = True rs("time").Value = Now() rs("times").Value = rs("times").Value + 1 rs.Update End If End If rs.Close Set rs = Nothing conn.Close Set conn = Nothing If b Then %> <script language="JavaScript"> alert("签到成功!") history.go(datecheck.asp) </script> <% Else %> <script language="JavaScript"> alert("今日已经签到!") history.go(-1) </script> <% End if %>