日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20979 次
1、定义一个切面: 关键字aspect。 这定义Java类的语法类似。
2、定义pointcut: [修饰符(public,protected.....)] pointcut poincut名字() : 表达式;
3、定义advice: 通知类型() : pointcut名字(){ .......逻辑}
一个最基本的aspect,就是这样组成的。值得一提的是:aspectj支持很多类型的pointcut,最基本的就是method call pointcut(方法级别),而Spring的aop 仅支持method call pointcut。所以,在后面陆续的使用中,你将会发现aspectj的强大, 简直强大到有点过分。而至于advice,aspectj也一样,就是5种类型。
Methods and Constructors | |
call(Signature) | every call to any method or constructor matching Signature at the call site(方法和构造函数的调用点) |
execution(Signature) | every execution of any method or constructor matching Signature (方法和构造函数的执行点) |
Fields | |
get(Signature) | every reference to any field matching Signature (属性的读操作) |
set(Signature) | every assignment to any field matching Signature. The assigned value can be exposed with anargs pointcut (属性的写操作) |
Exception Handlers | |
handler(TypePattern) | every exception handler for any Throwable type in TypePattern. The exception value can be exposed with anargs pointcut(异常处理执行) |
Advice | |
adviceexecution() | every execution of any piece of advice(Advice执行) |
Initialization | |
staticinitialization(TypePattern) | every execution of a static initializer for any type in TypePattern (类初始化) |
initialization(Signature) | every initialization of an object when the first constructor called in the type matchesSignature, encompassing the return from the super constructor call to the return of the first-called constructor (对象初始化) |
preinitialization(Signature) | every pre-initialization of an object when the first constructor called in the type matchesSignature, encompassing the entry of the first-called constructor to the call to the super constructor (对象预先初始化) |
Lexical | |
within(TypePattern) | every join point from code defined in a type in TypePattern (捕获在指定类或者方面中的程序体中的所有连接点,包括内部类) |
withincode(Signature) | every join point from code defined in a method or constructor matching Signature (用于捕获在构造器或者方法中的所有连接点,包括在其中的本地类) |
Instanceof checks and context exposure | |
this(Type or Id) | every join point when the currently executing object is an instance of Type orId's type(所有Type or id 的实例的执行点,匹配所有的连接点,如方法调用,属性设置,当前的执行对象为Account,或者其子类。) |
target(Type or Id) | every join point when the target executing object is an instance of Type orId's type (配所有的连接点,目标对象为Type或Id) |
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