日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20919 次
<% s = "\u5c0f\u867e\u7c73" s = Replace(s, "\u", "%u") Response.Write Unescape(s) %>
<% response.Write vbsUnEscape("\u5c0f\u867e\u7c73") Function vbsUnEscape(str)'解密 dim i,s,c s="" For i=1 to Len(str) c=Mid(str,i,1) If Mid(str,i,2)="\u" and i<=Len(str)-5 Then If IsNumeric("&H" & Mid(str,i+2,4)) Then s = s & CHRW(CInt("&H" & Mid(str,i+2,4))) i = i+5 Else s = s & c End If ElseIf c="%" and i<=Len(str)-2 Then If IsNumeric("&H" & Mid(str,i+1,2)) Then s = s & CHRW(CInt("&H" & Mid(str,i+1,2))) i = i+2 Else s = s & c End If Else s = s & c End If Next vbsUnEscape = s End Function %>