日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:21074 次
<% Class StringList Private dict, strName, i Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") i = 0 End Sub Public Property Get Count() Count = i End Property Public Property Let Name(newValue) strName = newValue End Property Public Property Get Name() Name = strName End Property Public Sub Add(strValue) i = i + 1 dict.Add i, strValue End Sub Public Default Property Get ToString() ToString = Me.Item(Empty) End Property Public Property Get Item(index) If Not IsEmpty(index) And IsNumeric(index) Then If index<1 Then Err.Raise -1, "StringList.Item", "下标越界" If index>i Then Err.Raise -1, "StringList.Item", "下标越界" Item = dict.Item(index) ElseIf i>0 Then Item = Join(dict.Items(), ", ") End If End Property End Class Function decodeURIComponent(str, cSet) With Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") .Type = 2 .Charset = "iso-8859-1" .Open .WriteText UnEscape(Replace(str, "+", "%20")) .Position = 0 .Charset = cSet decodeURIComponent = .ReadText(-1) .Close End With End Function Function getParameter(name, cSet, dictionary) Dim match : Set getParameter = New StringList : getParameter.Name = name With New RegExp .Pattern = "(?:^|&)" & Server.URLEncode(name) & "=([^&]*)" .Global = True For Each match In .Execute(dictionary) getParameter.Add decodeURIComponent(match.Submatches.Item(0), cSet) Next End with End Function %> <%=getParameter("p", "UTF-8", Request.QueryString)%><br /> <%=getParameter("p", "UTF-8", Request.QueryString).Count%><br /> <%=getParameter("p", "UTF-8", Request.QueryString).Item(1)%><br /> <!-- Dim p Set p = getParameter("p", "UTF-8", Request.QueryString) p.Count p.Item(1) p.Count 和 p.Item(index) 是在当出现同名参数时 使用. 如果不考虑同名参数,则代码可以进行大幅删减 -->