日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:21129 次


<%@ language= "vbscript " %>
<title> 统计图示例 </title>
Dim oChart, c, Categories(12),Vals2(12),Vals3(12), Vals(12),Vals1(12), i, sCaption

' Generate random categories and values for the chart
' These values can come from some existing data source
sub va
redim vals2(j)
end sub
'response.write ubound(vals2)
'response.write chDataLiteral
for i = 1 to 12
Categories(i) = CStr(i)& "月 "
Vals(i) = 100 * Rnd(i)
Vals1(i) = 100 * Rnd(120+i)
Vals2(i) = 100 * Rnd(120+i)
Vals2(i) = 100 * Rnd(12+i)
'response.write vals(i)+vals1(i)+vals2(i)& " <BR> "

' Create a Chart Object
Set oChart = CreateObject( "OWC11.ChartSpace ")
Set c = oChart.Constants

' Set the different parameters for the ChartSpace
'oChart.Border.Color =c.chColorNone

' Get Organization number and use it to set the Caption
sCaption = "1 "

' Add a chart and set parameters for the chart

oChart.Charts(0).PlotArea.Interior.Color = "#CFE5FF "
oChart.Charts(0).PlotArea.Floor.Interior.Color = "green "

'chChartTypeRadarLineMarkers 蜘蛛网图
'chChartTypeSmoothLineStackedMarkers 平滑折线
'chChartTypeSmoothLine 折线图
'chChartTypeRadarSmoothLineMarkers 网状图.平滑
'chChartTypeRadarLine 网状图.折线
'chChartTypeLineStackedMarkers 折线图
'chChartTypeSmoothLineStacked100 百分比图
radio=cint(request( "radio "))
'response.Write radio
'if radio=1 then
' oChart.Charts(0).Type = oChart.Constants.chChartTypeRadarLineMarkers
'elseif radio=2 then
oChart.Charts(0).Type = oChart.Constants.chChartTypeColumnClustered
'elseif radio=3 then
' oChart.Charts(0).Type = oChart.Constants.chChartTypeColumnStacked
' oChart.Charts(0).Type = oChart.Constants.chChartTypeColumn3D
'end if
oChart.Charts(0).HasLegend = True
oChart.Charts(0).HasTitle = True
oChart.Charts(0).Title.Caption = "统计图 "


oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).Caption = "产品一 "
oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, Categories
oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, Vals
oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).Line.Color= "ff1919 "
oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).Interior.Color = "#ff1919 "

With oChart.Charts(0).Axes(c.chAxisPositionBottom)
.Font.Color = "#ff0000 "
.Font.Size = 9
End with
With oChart.Charts(0).Axes(c.chAxisPositionLeft)
.Font.Color = "#ff0000 "
.Font.Size = 9
End with

'oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(1).Caption = "产品二 "
'oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(1).SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, Categories