'date' 不是可以识别的 函数名
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14)
'date ' 不是可以识别的 函数名。
/office/tpjs.asp, 第 12 行
<!--#include file = admin_conn.asp -->
xuastp=trim(request( "xuastp "))
id=trim(request( "id "))
if id= " " then id=0
vtp=trim(request( "vtp "))
action=trim(request( "action "))
userip = Request.ServerVariables( "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR ")
If userip = " " Then userip = Request.ServerVariables( "REMOTE_ADDR ")
if xuastp <> " " and action= "tp " then
Set rs = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.RecordSet ")
rs.Open "select * from [tpip] where ip= ' "&userip& " ' and addtime=date() and tpid= "&clng(id)& " order by id desc ",conn,1,1
if rs.recordcount=0 then
Set rs = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.RecordSet ")
rs.Open "select * from [tp] where id= "&id,conn,1,3
if rs.recordcount <> 0 then
vtp=rs( "vtp ")
id=rs( "id ")
end if
set rs=nothing
Response.Write " <BR> <BR> <BR> <Center> <font style= 'font-size:10.5pt '> 投票成功!感谢你的支持! </font> "
conn.Execute "insert into [tpip] ([ip],[addtime],[tpid]) values( ' "&userip& " ',date(), "&id& ") "
Response.Write " <BR> <BR> <BR> <Center> <font style= 'font-size:10.5pt '> 对不起,你已经投过票了! </font> "
end if
elseif action= " " and vtp= " " then
path= "/news/ "
Set rs = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.RecordSet ")
rs.Open "select * from [config] ",conn,1,1
if rs.recordcount <> 0 then
path=rs( "path ")
end if
set rs=nothing
id=trim(request( "id "))
if id= " " then id=0
document.write( " <head> <meta http-equiv= 'Content-Language ' content= 'zh-cn '> <meta http-equiv= 'Content-Type ' content= 'text/html; charset=gb2312 '> </head> ");
document.write( " <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <form method= 'POST ' action= ' <%=path%> tpjs.asp?id= <%=id%> &action=tp ' Target=_blank> <tr> <td> ");
Set rs = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.RecordSet ")
rs.Open "select * from [tp] where id= "&id,conn,1,1
if rs.recordcount <> 0 then
title=rs( "title ")
document.write( "