日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20583 次
create table #tb(病例 varchar(10), 症状 varchar(10))
insert into #tb
select 'a','A'
union all select 'a','B'
union all select 'a','C'
union all select 'b','B'
union all select 'b','B'
union all select 'c','A'
union all select 'c','B'
union all select 'c','C'
union all select 'd','A'
union all select 'd','B'
select 病例
(select 病例,count(*) as num
from (select distinct * from #tb)a
group by 病例
(select count(*) as total from (select distinct 症状 from #tb)t)b
where a.num=b.total
drop table #tb
select * from (
select ta.bl,ta.zz as zza,tb.zz as zzb,tc.zz as zzc
from (select 病例 as bl,'A' zz from yourTable where 症状='A') as ta
left join (select 病例 as bl,'B' zz from yourTable where 症状='B') as tb on ta.bl=tb.bl
left join (select 病例 as bl,'C' zz from yourTable where 症状='C') as tc on ta.bl=tc.bl
) as t
where t.zza is not null
and t.zzb is not null
and t.zzc is not null
create table #tb(病例 varchar(10), 症状 varchar(10)) insert into #tb select 'a','A'union all select 'a','B'union all select 'a','C'union all select 'b','B'union all select 'b','B'union all select 'c','A'union all select 'c','B'union all select 'c','C'union all select 'd','A'union all select 'd','B'
select 病例 from (
select 病例, 症状=stuff((select ','+症状 from #tb t where 病例=#tb.病例 for xml path('')), 1, 1, '')
from #tb
group by 病例
)a where 症状='A,B,C'