.NET 链接 Oracle 的错误!
我的开发环境是64位win7,通过 dotConnect for Oracle 驱动连接(已经安装)
但是 我连接是 总是报:Can not obtain Oracle client information from registry. Make sure that Oracle Client Software is installed, or use Direct mode of connecting to server 的错误。
我网上也查了 解决办法如下:
This problem comes to the surface when you have installed a 32-bit Devart driver together with the 32-bit Oracle client on a 64-bit system.
When you have this combination, you need to make sure the build options of your .NET application/unit test is set to X86. By default, the build option will be set to AnyCPU. If this is the case, you will receive the above error.
我的问题就是:以上解决办法中“make sure the build options of your .NET application/unit test is set to X86.” 这句话 怎么翻译??我该怎么做?
望有类似经验的高手们 赐教!