日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20457 次
;with cte as( select x.a1 as 市 , n.a3 as 状态 from 新闻表 n inner join 用户表 u on n.a2=u.a1 inner join 市级表 x on x.a3=u.a2 ), cte2 as( select x.a1 as 县 , n.a3 as 状态 from 新闻表 n inner join 用户表 u on n.a2=u.a1 inner join 县级表 x on x.a4=u.a2 ), cte3 as( select 单位=a2, 发文总数=(select count(1) from cte where c.a1= 市), 采纳=(select count(1) from cte where c.a1= 市 and 状态=1), c.a1 a1 from 市级表 c union all select 单位=a2, 发文总数=(select count(1) from cte2 where c.a1= 县), 采纳=(select count(1) from cte2 where c.a1= 县 and 状态=1), c.a1 a1 from 县级表 c ) select * from cte3 order by a1
楼上的又让我学到了个新语法。。cte 表达式。。这个看起来蛮好用的。。哈哈。。感谢