日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20513 次
--触发器是不需要你操作的,当你执行新增,更新,删除时自动调用的,给你举个例子 if object_id('t1') is not null drop table t1 if object_id('t2') is not null drop table t2 if object_id('t3') is not null drop table t3 create table t1(id int primary key,a int not null) create table t2(id int primary key,a int not null) create table t3(id int primary key,a int not null) go create trigger t1_trg on t1 for insert,update,delete as --新增,更新 if exists(select 1 from inserted) begin update t3 set a=t1.a+isnull(t2.a,0) from inserted i inner join t1 on i.id=t1.id left join t2 on i.id=t2.id where i.id=t1.id and i.id=t3.id insert into t3 select t1.id,t1.a+isnull(t2.a,0) from inserted i inner join t1 on i.id=t1.id left join t2 on i.id=t2.id where not exists(select 1 from t3 where i.id=t3.id) end --删除 if exists(select 1 from deleted) and not exists (select 1 from inserted) begin update t3 set a=t1.a+isnull(t2.a,0) from inserted i inner join t1 on i.id=t1.id left join t2 on i.id=t2.id where i.id=t3.id delete t3 from deleted d where t3.id=d.id and not exists(select 1 from t1 where t1.id=t3.id and t1.id=d.id) and not exists(select 1 from t2 where t2.id=t3.id and t2.id =d.id) end go create trigger t2_trg on t2 for insert,update,delete as --新增,更新 if exists(select 1 from inserted) begin update t3 set a=t2.a+isnull(t1.a,0) from inserted i inner join t2 on i.id=t2.id left join t1 on i.id=t1.id where i.id=t2.id and i.id=t3.id insert into t3 select t2.id,t2.a+isnull(t1.a,0) from inserted i inner join t2 on i.id=t2.id left join t1 on i.id=t1.id where not exists(select 1 from t3 where i.id=t3.id) end --删除 if exists(select 1 from deleted) and not exists (select 1 from inserted) begin update t3 set a=t2.a+isnull(t1.a,0) from inserted i inner join t2 on i.id=t2.id left join t1 on i.id=t1.id where i.id=t3.id delete t3 from deleted d where t3.id=d.id and not exists(select 1 from t1 where t1.id=t3.id and t1.id=d.id) and not exists(select 1 from t2 where t2.id=t3.id and t2.id =d.id) end go