日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20520 次
--*************************************************** --创建日期:2010-09-6 --功能说明:生成单据编号 --参数说明: --修改记录: --*************************************************** CREATE PROCEDURE aa_createbillid ( @iBillid int, @iPost int, @strBillid nvarchar(50) output ) as set nocount on declare @Date varchar(20), @Year varchar(20), @Year2 varchar(20), @Month varchar(20), @Day varchar(20), @BillCode varchar(20), @BillWay varchar(20), @SplitSign varchar(20), @StartBill varchar(20), @Temp varchar(20), @strTmp varchar(20), @SNextID varchar(20) declare @MaxID int, @BillID int, @iError int, @iTmp int, @flag int set @flag=0 set @Date = Convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120) set @Year = Year(@Date) set @Year2 = Year(@Date) set @Month = Month(@Date) set @Day = Day(@Date) set @Year=SUBSTRING(@Year,3,2) if(len(@Month) = 1) set @Month = '0'+ @Month if(len(@Day) = 1) set @Day = '0'+ @Day if not exists(select * from NOPlan where [ID]=@iBillid) begin execute aa_addbillid @iBillid end select @BillCode=Code,@BillWay=Style,@SplitSign=Tally,@StartBill=BeginNO from NOPlan where [ID]=@iBillid if(@BillWay = '年') begin set @Temp = @Year if exists(select * from NOList where datepart(yy,_Date)= @Year2 and [PlanID]=@iBillid) begin select @MaxID = MaxValue ,@BillID=[ID] from NOList where datepart(yy,_Date)= @Year2 and [PlanID]=@iBillid set @flag=1 end end else if(@BillWay = '年月' or @BillWay = '月年') begin if(@BillWay = '年月') set @Temp=@Year+@Month else if(@BillWay = '月年') set @Temp = @Month+@Year if exists(select * from NOList where datepart(yy,_Date)= @Year2 and datepart(mm,_Date)=@Month and [PlanID]=@iBillid) begin select @MaxID = MaxValue ,@BillID=[ID] from NOList where datepart(yy,_Date)= @Year2 and datepart(mm,_Date)=@Month and [PlanID]=@iBillid set @flag=1 end end else if(@BillWay = '年月日' or @BillWay = '月日年') begin if(@BillWay = '年月日') set @Temp = @Year+@Month+@Day else if(@BillWay = '月日年') set @Temp = @Month+@Day+@Year if exists(select * from NOList where _Date=@Date and [PlanID]=@iBillid) begin select @MaxID=MaxValue,@BillID=[ID] from NOList where _Date=@Date and [PlanID]=@iBillid set @flag=1 end end else begin set @Temp = '' if exists(select * from NOList where [PlanID]=@iBillid) begin select @MaxID=MaxValue,@BillID=[ID] from NOList where [PlanID]=@iBillid set @flag=1 end end if(@flag=1) begin set @MaxID = @MaxID + 1 set @SNextID = @MaxID --得到起始编号的最大值 set @strTmp='9' while(len(@strTmp)<len(@StartBill)) begin set @strTmp='9' + @strTmp end set @iTmp=convert(int,@strTmp)+1 --判断越界 if @iTmp=@MaxID begin set @StartBill='0' + @StartBill update NOPlan set BeginNO=@StartBill where [ID]=@iBillid end --得到当前流水号 while(len(@SNextID)<len(@StartBill)) begin set @SNextID='0' + @SNextID end --去除自定义多余的分隔符 if @Temp='' set @strBillid=@BillCode+@Temp+@SplitSign+@SNextID else set @strBillid=@BillCode+@SplitSign+@Temp+@SplitSign+@SN