关于64位应用程序 请教大家一个问题啊,如果想让程序真正在64位环境下面运行,是否发布程序时,一定要选择x64而不能是Any Cpu ?
据说64位比32位猛很多,大家能否把自己升级为64位应用的经验告知一二... 小弟感激不尽!
AnyCPU will compile your assembly to run on any platform. DLLs and EXEs compiled with AnyCPU option will behave with sutle difference. On a 64-bit Windows operating system, EXEs compiled with this option will execute on the 64 bit CLR, while DLLs compiled with this option will execute on the same CLR as the process into which it is being loaded. So, if a 32bit EXE load a DLL that is compiled with this option, the process is 32bit so the DLL will run on the 32bit CLR. x86 option compiles your assembly to be run by the 32-bit, x86-compatible common language runtime. On 32bit platform, the EXEs will run as 32bit process. On 64bit platform, the EXEs will run under WOW64 mode. x64 option compiles your assembly to be run by the 64-bit common language runtime on a computer that supports the AMD64 or EM64T instruction set. Also please take a look at: How to: Optimize an Application for a Specific CPU Type
VS编译目标platform有3个选择:AnyCPU,x86和x64.其中AnyCPU是最不常用的,换句话说,AnyCPU编译的case是最为罕见的,但操蛋的微软是把这个最罕见的case设置为默认值。 如果一个程序被编译成AnyCPU,那么该程序将包含2套相同逻辑的程序,一套在32OS上用,一套在64OS上用。这下问题就来了,譬如某coder在他的32位OS上用AnyCPU变异了他的code,他的code调用32位COM,这一调用不会有任何问题,因为AnyCPU的程序在32OS以32位方式运行,32位APP调用32COM,没有问题。但如果某客户使用64OS,那么该程序将以64位方式运行,64位APP调用32COM,error out!