请教各位一条查询语句问题,TY! id num 1 1 2 2 3 3 select * from XX where num >1 and num <3 结果是 id num 2 2
查询语句如何修改能让id 1,3 同样显示在查询结果中并且num字段为0 想要的结果是这样的 id num 1 0 2 2 3 0
------解决方案-------------------- select * from xx as a left join xx as b on a.id=b.id where b.num>1 and b.num<3
SQL code
declare @tab table
id int,
num int
insert into @tab(id,num)
select 1,1
union all
select 2,2
union all
select 3,3
select id,num=isnull((select num from @tab where id=t.id and num>1 and num<3),0) from @tab t