日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20505 次

SQL code
select top "
                           + NUMCount + " * from tb_Student where  ID not in ( select top "
                           + number + " ID from tb_Student where fengcai=" + num + "   order by ID desc )and fengcai=" + num + " order by ID desc

请问——我要在 这个 里面 再加一个 城市 来查询 该怎么拼接 我拼接几次 都报了 order 附近错误。

C# code

  string city = "重庆";
            int NUMCount = 10;
            int number = 100;
            int num = 5;
            string s = "select top " + NUMCount + " * from tb_Student where  ID not in ( select top "
                                       + number + " ID from tb_Student where fengcai=" + num + " order by ID desc ) and fengcai=" + num + " and city='" + city + "' order by ID desc";

select top "+NUMCount+" from tb_Student where ID not in(select top "+number+" ID from tb_Student where fengcai="+num+" and city='"+重庆+"') and fengcai="+num+" and city='"+重庆+"' order by ID desc