日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20409 次

EF Code First,entity framework.数据表发生改变后如何处理
如题,最近在看MVC 3,按照官方的教程自己动手加深理解:http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/getting-started-with-mvc3-part7-cs
The model backing the 'MovieDBContext' context has changed since the database was created. Either manually delete/update the database, or call Database.SetInitializer with an IDatabaseInitializer instance. For example, the DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges strategy will automatically delete and recreate the database, and optionally seed it with new data. 

There are two approaches to resolving the error:

Have the Entity Framework automatically drop and re-create the database based on the new model class schema. This approach is very convenient when doing active development on a test database, because it allows you to quickly evolve the model and database schema together. The downside, though, is that you lose existing data in the database — so you don't want to use this approach on a production database! 

Explicitly modify the schema of the existing database so that it matches the model classes. The advantage of this approach is that you keep your data. You can make this change either manually or by creating a database change script. 


属性和数据库对应 删除数据库里多余的一张表

public string Status { get; set; }
