日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20461 次
select * from tb1 where fa like '%a%' or fa like'%c%' or fa like'%2%'
select * from tb1
where patindex('%a%',fa)>0
and patindex('%b%',fa)>0
declare @tb table (id int,fa varchar(10)) insert into @tb select 1,'abc123' insert into @tb select 2,'ac1234' insert into @tb select 3,'bc2345' select * from @tb where charindex('a',fa)>0 and charindex('c',fa)>0 and charindex('2',fa)>0
id fa
1 abc123
2 ac1234
3 bc2345
id 为 3 是不是你想要查的,如果是 用 or 不是 用 and
string whereStr = "select * from tb1 where 1=1 "; string tempStr = "ac2"; foreach (char c in tempStr) { whereStr += " and charindex('" + c + "',fa)> 0 "; }
sp_fulltext_database 'enable'
execute sp_fulltext_catalog 'ft_test', 'create'
execute sp_fulltext_table 'tb1','create', 'ft_test','PK_tb1'
execute sp_fulltext_column 'tb1', 'fa', 'add'
execute sp_fulltext_catalog 'ft_test', 'start_full'
select * from tb1
where freetext(*,'keyword1 keyword2')
create table tb (id int,fa varchar(10)) insert into tb select 1,'abc123' insert into tb select 2,'ac1234' insert into tb select 3,'bc2345' declare @s varchar(50),@where varchar(8000) select @s='ac2',@where ='where 1=1' while(len(@s)>0) begin set @where =@where+' and charindex('''+left(@s,1)+''',fa)>0 ' set @s=right(@s,len(@s)-1) end exec('select * from tb '+@where)
public string SQLStr(string searchCondition) { StringBuilder sql=new StringBuilder("select * form tb1 where 1=1 "); for(int i=0;i<searchCondition;i++) { sql.Append(" and fa like '%"+searchCondition[i]+"%'"); } return sql.ToString(); }