- 爱易网页
- 分页 性能探讨解决思路
日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20499 次
分页 性能探讨
CREATE proc up_GetTopicList
@PageNo varchar(4)= '1 ',@PageSize varchar(4)= '20 '
declare @a_intPageNo int
declare @a_intPageSize int
declare @intBeginID int
declare @intEndID int
declare @intRecordCount int
declare @intPageCount int
declare @intRowCount int
set @a_intPageNo = cast(@PageNo as bigint)
set @a_intPageSize = cast(@PageSize as int)
set nocount on
/*求该分类总数 */
select @intRecordCount = count(*) from company
if @intRecordCount = 0
return 0
if(@a_intPageNo -1)* @a_intPageSize > @intRecordCount
return (-1)
set @intRowCount = (@a_intPageNo -1)*@a_intPageSize +1
set rowcount @intRowCount
select @intBeginID = companyID from company order by companyID desc
set @intRowcount = @a_intPageNo * @a_intPageSize
set rowcount @intRowcount
select @intEndID = companyID from company order by companyID desc
set rowcount 0
set nocount off
select companyID,companyName,remark,editDate from company where companyID between @intEndID and @intBeginID order by companyID desc
return (@intRecordCount)
strSql = "select Top " + pager.PageSize + " a.*,b.ClassName,c.TypeName,c.ModuleName,(select count(Id) from Comment where InfoId=a.Id) as CommentCount from [Info] a " +
" LEFT JOIN Category b ON a.CategoryId=b.Id " +
" LEFT JOIN Type c ON a.TypeId=c.Id " +
" where a.CategoryId=@CategoryId and a.Id not in(select Top " + (pager.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * pager.PageSize + " Id from [Info] where CategoryId=@CategoryId order by UpdateTime desc) order by UpdateTime desc ";
CREATE procedure P_GetPagedOrders2000
(@startIndex int,
@pageSize int
set nocount on