日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20486 次


Javascript倒计时器 - 采用系统时间自校验


上个版本的倒计时器存在一些问题, 定时(0.1秒)调用函数的过程中未考虑倒计时函数中程序代
码的执行时间以及显示时间所产生的延迟, 这次利用系统时间自校验倒计时, 无需手工调校使得倒计时更为精确, 代码及详细注释如下:
<span id= "clock "> 00:01:11:00 </span>
<input id= "startB " type= "button " value= "start countdown! " onclick= "run() ">
<input id= "endB " type= "button " value= "stop countdown! " onclick= "stop() ">
<input id= "diff " type= "text ">
<input id= "next " type= "text ">
<script language= "Javascript ">
/* This notice must be untouched at all times.
countdown.js v. 1.0
The latest version is available at
Copyright (c) 2004 Xinyi.Chen. All rights reserved.
Created 7/30/2004 by Xinyi.Chen.
Web: http://blog.csdn.net/yjgx007
E-Mail: chenxinyi1978@hotmail.com
Last modified: 7/30/2004
This program is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
See the GNU General Public License
at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more details.
var normalelapse = 100;
var nextelapse = normalelapse;
var counter;
var startTime;
var start = clock.innerText;
var finish = "00:00:00:00 ";
var timer = null;
// 开始运行
function run() {
startB.disabled = true;
endB.disabled = false;
counter = 0;
// 初始化开始时间
startTime = new Date().valueOf();
// nextelapse是定时时间, 初始时为100毫秒
// 注意setInterval函数: 时间逝去nextelapse(毫秒)后, onTimer才开始执行
timer = window.setInterval( "onTimer() ", nextelapse);
// 停止运行
function stop() {
startB.disabled = false;
endB.disabled = true;
window.onload = function() {
endB.disabled = true;
// 倒计时函数
function onTimer()
if (start == finish)
alert( "time is up! ");
var hms = new String(start).split( ": ");
var ms = new Number(hms[3]);
var s = new Number(hms[2]);
var m = new Number(hms[1]);
var h = new Number(hms[0]);

ms -= 10;
if (ms < 0)
ms = 90;
s -= 1;
if (s < 0)
s = 59;
m -= 1;

if (m < 0)
m = 59;
h -= 1;
var ms = ms < 10 ? ( "0 " + ms) : ms;
var ss = s < 10 ? ( "0 " + s) : s;
var sm = m < 10 ? ( "0 " + m) : m;
var sh = h < 10 ? ( "0 " + h) : h;
start = sh + ": " + sm + ": " + ss + ": " + ms;
clock.innerText = start;
// 清除上一次的定时器
// 自校验系统时间得到时间差, 并由此得到下次所启动的新定时器的时间nextelapse
var counterSecs = counter * 100;
var elapseSecs = new Date().valueOf() - startTime;
var diffSecs = counterSecs - elapseSecs;
nextelapse = normalelapse + diffSecs;
diff.value = counterSecs + "- " + elapseSecs + "= " + diffSecs;