#Region "Using ItemCommand to start to bind child DataList "
Private Sub dlstGroup_ItemCommand(ByVal [source] As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataListCommandEventArgs) Handles dlstGroup.ItemCommand
'Show the child datalist and bind it.
If (e.CommandName = "carryout ") Then
For Each dgi As DataListItem In Me.dlstGroup.Items
'Only find the current item 's child datalist.
If (dgi.ItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex) Then
Dim lb As Label = CType(dgi.FindControl( "lblMyClientCode "), Label) 'find clientcode lable.
Dim objDataList As DataList = CType(dgi.FindControl( "dlstChild "), DataList) 'find the child datalist.
Dim imgBtnOut As ImageButton = CType(dgi.FindControl( "imgbtnPlus "), ImageButton) 'find the imgbtn "+ "
Dim imgBtnIn As ImageButton = CType(dgi.FindControl( "imgbtnFminus "), ImageButton) 'find the imgbtn "- "
Dim strClientCode As String
'find the lable whose text is the clientcode.
If Not (lb Is Nothing) Then
strClientCode = lb.Text.Trim()
End If
'Bind the child datalist if find it.
If Not (objDataList Is Nothing) Then
objDataList.Visible = True
BindDataListChild(objDataList, strClientCode, ViewState( "ProjectCode "), ViewState( "Range "), ViewState( "NiHon "), ViewState( "DelFlag "))
Catch ex As Exception
'add log
End Try
End If
'Set the imagebtn 's property.
If Not (imgBtnOut Is Nothing) Then
imgBtnOut.Visible = False
End If
If Not (imgBtnIn Is Nothing) Then
imgBtnIn.Visible = True
End If
End If
End If
'Unvisible the child datalist
If (e.CommandName = "carryin ") Then
For Each dgi As DataListItem In Me.dlstGroup.Items
'find the child data list in the just item,and set the unvisible property.
If (dgi.ItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex) Then
Dim objDataList As DataList = CType(dgi.FindControl( "dlstChild "), D