新装上VS.2005 无法Debug 请遇到过的朋友帮个忙解释一下。
下了个2005 安装后 把以前的一个Web solution 打开调试
The page cannot be run in debug mode because debugging is not enabled in the Web.config file. What would you like to do?
1.Add a new Web.config file with debugging enabled.
!Debugging should be disabled in the Web.config file before deploying the Web site to a production environment.
2. Run without debugging. (Equivalent to Ctrl+F5)
这个solution以前是可以调试的 无奈 选择1 让它给我又生成一个,然后调试出现:
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The server does net support debugging of ASP.NET or ATL Server applications.
You may also want to refer to the ASP.NET and ATL Server debugging topic in the online documentation.
无奈 只好求助大家~谢谢各位能给个有效的解决方案。
------解决方案--------------------将 web.config 文件中的 debug= "false " 改为 debug= "true "