日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20583 次

ajax 正式版验证控件不显示,是什么问题
使用Asp.Net   Ajax   1.0正式版后,所使用的验证控件可以执行,但不显示错误,是什么原因?
例在一个文本框后有一个RequiredValidator   验证控件,点击Button,没有反映,但如果输入一个文本后,就可以执行.说明其已经进行了验证,但没有显示出验证控件上的内容,如何解决?

并且站点是在当时没有Ajax的情况下建立的,在预发布版中是可以执行的.我的WEb.config文件是参照Ajax   Enabled模板站点修改的.

To make the validators compatible with an UpdatePanel control, set the EnableClientScript property of the validators to false. This disables the client script that would ordinarily be used to perform validation in the browser. As a result, during an asynchronous postback, the validators perform validation on the server. However, because only the content of the UpdatePanel is refreshed, the validators can provide the kind of immediate feedback that is ordinarily provided by client script.