日期:2014-05-20 浏览次数:20545 次
select * from table where shopname in (textbox1.text.trim) and farename in (textbox2.text.trim)
select * from tableName where [shopname] in (0001,0002) and [farename] in ('促销费','进店费') select * from tableName where [shopname] in (0001,0002) or [farename] in ('促销费','进店费')
string[] shopArr= textbox1.split(',');
string[] fareArr = textbox2.split(',');
string shops="";
string fares="";
for(int i=0;i< shopArr.Length;i++)
if(i==0) shops+="'"+ shopArr [i]+"'";
else shops+=",'"+ shopArr [i]+"'";
for(int i=0;i< fareArr .Length;i++)
if(i==0) fares +="'"+ fareArr [i]+"'";
else fares +=",'"+ fareArr [i]+"'";
"select * from 表 where shopName in("+ shops+") and farename in("+ fares +")"
string[] array1=textbox1.text.trim.tostring().split(",") string[] array2=textbox1.text.trim.tostring().split(",") select * from table where shopname ='"+array1[0].tostring+"' and farename ='"+array2[0].tostring+"' union select * from table where shopname ='"+array1[1].tostring+"' and farename ='"+array2[1].tostring+"' 不过这种方式不是很灵活,当array1的长度与array1的长度不一样时
select * from tableName where [shopname] in (0001,0002) and [farename] in ('促销费','进店费') select * from tableName where [shopname] in (0001,0002) or [farename] in ('促销费','进店费')
drop function Split go CREATE FUNCTION [Split] ( @sText varchar(8000), --分割目标串 @sDelim varchar(20) = ' '--分割字符串 ) RETURNS @retArray TABLE --返回分割后的串数据表 ( idx int Primary Key, --主键 Evalue varchar(8000)--值 ) AS BEGIN declare @idx int declare @value varchar(8000) declare @bcontinue bit declare @iStrike int declare @iDelimlength tinyint if @sDelim = 'Space' BEGIN SET @sDelim = ' ' END SET @idx = 0 SET @sText = LTrim(RTrim(@sText)) SET @iDelimlength = len(@sDelim) SET @bcontinue = 1 IF NOT ((@iDelimlength = 0) or (@sDelim = 'Empty')) --如果分割串不为空时 BEGIN WHILE @bcontinue = 1 BEGIN IF CHARINDEX(@sDelim, @sText)>0 --如果在@sText是找到分割字符@sDelim的位置则将第一个元素插入表 BEGIN SET @value = SUBSTRING(@sText,1, CHARINDEX(@sDelim,@sText)-1) INSERT @retArray (idx, Evalue) VALUES (@idx, @value) SET @iStrike = len(@value) + @iDelimlength--增加@idex值并 取回下一个目标串 SET @idx = @idx + 1 SET @sText = LTrim(Right(@sText,len(@sText) - @iStrike)) END ELSE --如果在@sText里找不到@sDelim时,说明@sDelim已经不能再分割了,将@sText插入返回表@retArray BEGIN SET @value = @sText INSERT @retArray (idx, Evalue) VALUES (@idx, @value) SET @bcontinue = 0--设置退出循环标识 END END END ELSE BEGIN WHILE @bcontinue=1 BEGIN IF len(@sText)>1 --如果分割字符为空串时,将字符串中每个字符插入@retArray BEGIN SET @value = SUBSTRING(@sText,1,1) INSERT @retArray (idx, Evalue) VALUES (@idx, @value) SET @idx = @idx+1 SET @sText = SUBSTRING(@sText,2,len(@sText)-1) END ELSE BEGIN --插入字符并设置退出while标识 INSERT @retArray (idx, Evalue) VALUES (@idx, @sText) SET @bcontinue = 0 END END END RETURN END go --你的存储过程 if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'Search_Pro') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure Search_Pro go create procedure Search_Pro @idvalues varchar(500), @farenameValues varchar(500) as begin declare @SQL varchar(1000) set @SQL = 'select * from yourTableName where 1=1 ' set @SQL = @SQL + ' and (1<>1 ' ----------------------------------------- declare @idvalues_id int declare @ShopName_Text nvarchar(100) declare cursor_ShopName_Text cursor for select idx from Split(@idvalues,',') order by idx ASC open cursor_ShopName_Text fetch cursor_ShopName_Text into @idvalues_id while @@fetch_status=0 begin if exists(select * from Split(@idvalues,',') where idx=@idvalues_id) begin set @ShopName_Text=(select Evalue from Split(@idvalues,',') where idx=@idvalues_id)--去掉","后的号码 set @SQL = @SQL + ' or shopname ='''+@ShopName_Text+'''' end fetch cursor_ShopName_Text into @idvalues_id end close cursor_ShopName_Text deallocate cursor_ShopName_Text set @SQL = @SQL + ' ) and ( 1<>1 ' ------------------------------------------ declare @farenameValues_id int declare @farename_Text nvarchar(100) declare cursor_farename_Text cursor for select idx from Split(@farenameValues,',') order by idx ASC open cursor_farename_Text fetch cursor_farename_Text into @farenameValues_id while @@fetch_status=0 begin if exists(select * from Split(@farenameValues,',') where idx=@farenameValues_id) begin set @farename_Text=(select Evalue from Split(@farenameValues,',') where idx=@farenameValues_id)--去掉","后的号码 set @SQL = @SQL + ' or farename ='''+@farename_Text+'''' end fetch cursor_farename_Text into @farenameValues_id end close cursor_farename_Text deallocate cursor_farename_Text set @SQL = @SQL + ' ) ' ------------------------------------------ exec(@SQL) print @SQL end go