日期:2008-07-13  浏览次数:20428 次

Bulent Ozkir

Suppose I have following XML fragment:



Now, how can I loop through my collection of authors and for each author  retrieve its first and last name and put them in a variable strFirst and  strLast?

- - - XMLApp.cs

using System;
using System.XML;
public class XMLApp
public void YourMethod( String strFirst, String strLast)
// Do something with strFirst and strLast.
// ...
Console.WriteLine( "{0}, {1}", strLast, strFirst);

public void ProcessXML( String XMLText)
XMLDocument _doc = new XMLDocument( );
_doc.LoadXML( XMLText);
// alternately, _doc.Load( _strFilename); to read from a file.
XMLNodeList _fnames = _doc.GetElementsByTagName( "FirstName" );
XMLNodeList _lnames = _doc.GetElementsByTagName( "LastName" );

// I'm assuming every FirstName has a LastName in this example, your requirements may vary. //
for ( int _i = 0; _i < _fnames.Count; ++_i )
YourMethod( _fnames[ _i].InnerText,
_lnames[ _i].InnerText );

public static void Main( String[] args)
XMLApp _app = new XMLApp( );
// Passing XML text as a String, you can also use the
// XMLDocument::Load( ) method to read the XML from a file.

_app.ProcessXML( @" <Authors>
</Authors> " );

} // end XMLApp

  - - - XMLApp.cs

Remember to /reference the System.XML.dll on the command-line  to build XMLApp.cs:
csc.exe /r:System.XML.dll XMLApp.cs