日期:2008-11-09  浏览次数:20419 次

For i=1 to 100



Const LoopTimes = 100000000

Public Sub test()
    Dim bytTmp As Byte
    Dim intTmp As Integer
    Dim lngTmp As Long
    Dim curTmp As Currency
    Dim loopCount As Long
    Dim timeBegin As Single
    Dim timeEnd As Single
    Dim timeAddition As Single
    timeBegin = Timer
    For loopCount = 0 To LoopTimes
    Next loopCount
    timeEnd = Timer
    timeAddition = timeEnd - timeBegin
    timeBegin = Timer
    For loopCount = 0 To LoopTimes
        bytTmp = 255
    Next loopCount
    timeEnd = Timer
    Debug.Print "Byte :"; timeEnd - timeBegin - timeAddition; "秒"

    timeBegin = Timer
    For loopCount = 0 To LoopTimes
        intTmp = 255
    Next loopCount
    timeEnd = Timer
    Debug.Print "Integer :"; timeEnd - timeBegin - timeAddition; "秒"

    timeBegin = Timer
    For loopCount = 0 To LoopTimes
        lngTmp = 255
    Next loopCount
    timeEnd = Timer
    Debug.Print "Long :"; timeEnd - timeBegin - timeAddition; "秒"

    timeBegin = Timer
    For loopCount = 0 To LoopTimes
        curTmp = 255
    Next loopCount
    timeEnd = Timer
    Debug.Print "Currency :"; timeEnd - timeBegin - timeAddition; "秒"
    Debug.Print "*********************"

End Sub


Byte : 7.234375 秒
Integer : 2.421875 秒
Long : 3.4375 秒
Currency : 4.84375 秒
Byte : 7.234375 秒
Integer : 2.421875 秒
Long : 3.453125 秒
Currency : 4.875 秒
Byte : 7.21875 秒
Integer : 2.421875 秒
Long : 3.421875 秒
Currency : 4.875 秒



Const LoopTimes = 10000000

Public Sub test()
    Dim bytTmp As Byte
    Dim intTmp As Integer
    Dim lngTmp As Long
    Dim curTmp As Currency
    Dim strTmp As String
    Dim loopCount As Long
    Dim timeBegin As Singl