日期:2009-07-24 浏览次数:20502 次
3.01 所有真的思想的总和就构成了整个现实世界一幅图画。
3.02 ......所有能被想象的也是可能的。
......What is thinkable is also possible.
3.03 我们不能想象出不合逻辑的东西,因为那样一来我们将不得不进行不合逻辑的思维。
We cannot think anything unlogical,for otherwise we should have to think unlogically.
小结3: 3 主要说明 --- 我们的思想也是以上述图画方式来反映客观世界的
4 思想是有意义的命题
The thought is the significant proposition.
4.01 命题是现实的图画。 命题是我们想象的现实的模型。
The proposition is a picture of reality.
The proposition is a model of the reality as we think it is.
4.1 一个命题给出了一个原子事实的存在或是不存在。
A porposition presents the existence and non-existence of atomiac facts.
4.11 真命题的总体就是整个自然科学
The totality of true propositions is the total natural science.
4.112 哲学的目标就是澄清思想。
The object of philosophy is the logical clarification of thoughts.
Philosophy is not a theory but an activity.
A philosophy work consists essentially of elucidations.
The results of philosophy is not a number of "philosophy propositions",
but to make propositions clear.
4.113 哲学划定自然科学可以争论的范围。
Philosophy limits the disputable sphere of natural science.
4.114 它应该划定什么是可思考的,因而也就划定了什么是不可思考的。
It should limit the unthinkable and thereby the unthinkable.
4.115 它将清楚地指出什么是可以言说的,从而也就指出了什么是不可言说的。
It will mean the unspeakable by clearly displaying the speakable.
4.116 凡是可以被思考的,都可以被清楚地思考;
Everything that can be thought at all can be thought clearly.
Everything that can be said can be said clearly.
小结4: 4 主要说明 --- 详细介绍了思想如何借助逻辑来反映世界;
5 命题是基本命题的真值函数
Propositions are truth-functions of elementary propositions.
5.6 我的语言的极限就是我的世界的极限
The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.
5.6.1 逻辑充满整个世界: 世界的极限也就是逻辑的极限所在
Logic fills the world: the limits of the world are also its limits.
我们无法思考的东西,我们就不能思考: 因此我们不能说出我们无法思考的东西。
What we cannot think,that we cannot think;we cannot therefore say What we cannot think.
5.6.3 我即是世界。(小宇宙)
I am the world。(microcosm)
说明: 吾心即是宇宙。 :-)
小结5: 5 主要说明 --- 进一步阐明了作者的逻辑原子主义立场
6.41 世界的意义必定存在于世界之外。
The sense of the world must lie outside the world.
6.42 因而也就没有什么伦理学命题。
Hence also there can be no ethical propositions.
6.421 显然伦理学是无法表述的。 伦理学是超越现实的。 (伦理学和美学是一样的)
It is clear that ethics cannot be expressed.
Ethics is transcendental. (Ethics and aesthetics are one.)
6.432 世界如何存在,是与更高级的东西毫不相干的;上帝并不在世界中显现。
How the world is ,is completely indifferent for what is higher;
God does not reveal himself in the world.
6.44 世界如何存在,并不神秘;神秘的是它的存在本身。
Not how the world is ,is the mystical,but it is.
6.52 我们感到即便是所有的自然科学问题都被解答了,生活的意义仍然未被触及丝毫。