" 写入内容 strwriterobj.WriteLine( "Welcome to wonderfull world of ASP.NET Programming" ) "
完成操作,关闭流对象 strwriterobj.Close
Response.write("Done with the creation of text file and writing content into it") %>
从文件中读取内容 从文件中读取内容与向文件中写入内容大致相同,只是要注意一下下面的两件事: 1. 文件读取使用StreamReader类 2. 当使用了Readline方法时,将要被读取的文本文件的结尾处会用一个空字符串("")来标记。 现在开始编写代码从前面创建的aspnet.txt 文件中读取内容: readfile.aspx <%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %> <% Response.write("Reading the content from the text file ASPNET.TXT<br>") " 创建流读取对象 Dim streamreaderobj As StreamReader " 声明变量,以存放从文件中读取的内容 Dim filecont As String " 打开文本文件,分配给流读取对象 streamreaderobj = File.OpenText( "c:aspnet.txt" ) " 逐行读取文件内容 Do filecont = streamreaderobj.ReadLine() Response.Write( filecont & "<br>" ) Loop Until filecont = "" " 完成读取操作后,关闭流读取对象 streamreaderobj.Close Response.write("<br>Done with reading the content from the file aspnet.txt") %>