日期:2010-06-20  浏览次数:20520 次

System;using System.Threading;public class Test{ static int count=0; static void Main() { ThreadStart job = new ThreadStart(ThreadJob); Thread thread = new Thread(job); thread.Start(); for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) { count++; } thread.Join(); Console.WriteLine ("Final count: {0}", count); } static void ThreadJob() { for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) { count++; } }}
using System;using System.Threading;public class Test{    static int count=0;        static void Main()    {        ThreadStart job = new ThreadStart(ThreadJob);        Thread thread = new Thread(job);        thread.Start();                for (int i=0; i < 5; i++)        {            int tmp = count;            Console.WriteLine ("Read count={0}", tmp);            Thread.Sleep(50);            tmp++;            Console.WriteLine ("Incremented tmp to {0}", tmp);            Thread.Sleep(20);            count = tmp;            Console.WriteLine ("Written count={0}", tmp);            Thread.Sleep(30);        }                thread.Join();        Console.WriteLine ("Final count: {0}", count);    }        static void ThreadJob()    {        for (int i=0; i < 5; i++)        {            int tmp = count;            Console.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tRead count={0}", tmp);            Thread.Sleep(20);            tmp++;            Console.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tIncremented tmp to {0}", tmp);            Thread.Sleep(10);            count = tmp;            Console.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tWritten count={0}", tmp);            Thread.Sleep(40);        }    }}
Read count=0                                Read count=0                                Incremented tmp to 1                                Written count=1Incremented tmp to 1Written count=1                                Read count=1                                Incremented tmp to 2Read count=1                                Written count=2                                Read count=2Incremented tmp to 2                                Incremented tmp to 3Written count=2                                Written count=3Read count=3                                Read count=3Incremented tmp to 4                                Incremented tmp to 4                                Written count=4Written count=4                                Read count=4Read count=4                                Incremented tmp to 5                                Written count=5Incremented tmp to 5Written count=5Read count=5Incremented tmp to 6Written count=6Final co