日期:2011-03-17  浏览次数:20455 次

For the past year or so, I've been focusing my attention on the Microsoft? .NET common language runtime platform. In my opinion, most new development will target this platform because it makes application development so much easier and faster. I also expect existing application development to move toward .NET at a rapid pace.


To help developers embrace this new platform, my next few columns will focus on various programming issues specific to .NET. I'll assume that you are already familiar with object-oriented programming concepts. Each column will focus on run-of-the-mill programming topics that are specific to the common language runtime. All .NET developers must become aware of these topics.


When showing code examples, I had to choose one of the many languages that support the .NET common language runtime. The most neutral language to choose would have been intermediate language (IL) assembly. However, it is unlikely that IL assembly will be the most popular language, so I've decided to use C#. C# is the new language that Microsoft designed specifically for the development of managed code. While the sample code shown is C# and the explanations are geared toward coding with C#, the concepts discussed are those exposed by the common language runtime and therefore apply to any language that targets it.


My goal is to introduce various programming topics and to give you some idea of how they're implemented. It is not my goal to fully describe each topic and all the nuances that surround it. For complete details on any topic presented, please refer to the common language runtime or language documentation. Now, with the introduction out of the way, let's begin….


True Object-oriented Design


For programmers using the Win32? SDK, access to most of the operating system features is through a set of standalone functions exported from DLLs. These standalone functions are very easy to call from non-object-oriented languages like C. However, it is quite daunting for new developers to face literally thousands of independent functions that, on the surface, seem unrelated. Making things more difficult is the fact that many functions start with the word Get (for example, GetCurrentProcess and GetStockObject). In addition, the Win32 API has evolved over the years and Microsoft has added new functions having similar semantics but offering slightly different features over the earlier functions. You can usually identify the newer functions because their names are similar to the original function's name (such as CreateWindow/CreateWindowEx, CreateTypeLib/CreateTypeLib2, and one of my personal favorites: CreatePen/CreatePenIndirect/ExtCreatePen).

对于使用Windows 2000 SDK 的程序员,都是通过一系列独立的从DLL引出的函数来访问大多数操作系统特性的。这些孤立函数在非面向对象语言如C都可以很容易地调用。然而,令新的开发者比较头疼的是要面对许多表面上看似独立的不相干的函数。但实际上许多函数之间有复杂的关系,比如有很多函数以单词Get(例如:GetCurrentProcess 和 GetStockObject)开头。另外,Win32API发展了很多年了,微软加了一些新函数,看上去名字很象但使用上同早期的函数有细微的差别。你可能经常会把一个新的函数看成和老的一样仅因为名字很象(比如:CreateWindow/CreateWindowEx, CreateTypeLib / CreateTypeLib2, CreatePen / CreatePenIndirect / ExtCreatePen)。

All of these issues have given programmers the impression that developing for Windows? is difficult. With .NET, Microsoft is finally addressing developers' cries for help by creating an entirely object-oriented platform. Platform services are now divided into individual namespaces (such as System.Collections, System.Data, System.IO, System.Security, System.Web, and so on), and each namespace contains a set of related class typ