日期:2011-10-27  浏览次数:20510 次

导 读:Server.HTMLEncode 和 Server.URLEncode 是ASP中很常用的函数,在ASP.NET中也有类似的函数:HtmlEncode 和 UrlEncode (注意大小写)以下用实例来进行介绍。

Server.HTMLEncode and Server.URLEncode are very common functions used
by ASP developers. Well, as you may have guessed, these two functions
have ASP.NET counterparts. HtmlEncode and UrlEncode (notice case) are
part of the System.Web.HttpUtility namespace.

Here is the demo


This is a test & hopefully it works!
<h1>This is a test & hopefully it works!</h1>

Here is the code:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.HttpUtility" %>
<title>HTMLEncode and URLEncode the ASP.NET Way</title>

<script language="VB" runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

''Assign our test url to a variable, assign the variable to our
label control
Dim strURLText as String = "urlencode.asp?test=1&test1=2"
strURL.Text = strURLText

''Encode the test url, assign it to a variable, assign the
variable to our label control
Dim strURLEncodeText As String = UrlEncode(strURLText)
strURLEncode.Text = strURLEncodeText

''Assign our test url to a variable, assign the variable to our
label control
Dim strHTMLText As String = "<h1>This is a test & hopefully it
strHTML.Text = strHTMLText

''Encode the test html, assign it to a variable, assign the
variable to our label control
Dim strHTMLEncodeText As String = HtmlEncode(strHTMLText)
strHTMLEncode.Text = strHTMLEncodeText

End Sub
<asp:label id="strURL" forecolor="red" font-bold="true" runat=server/>
<asp:label id="strURLEncode" forecolor="blue" font-bold="true" runat=server/>
<asp:label id="strHTML" forecolor="red" font-bold="true" runat=server/>
<asp:label id="strHTMLEncode" forecolor="blue" font-bold="true" runat=server/>
