1.修改 ColumnStyles 属性的值.
2.在DataGrid里, 直接贴 Combo 控件. 如:
Public MyCombo As New ComboBox()
Dim con As New
Dim daEmp As New SqlDataAdapter("Select * From Employees", con)
Public ds As New DataSet()
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
AddHandler MyCombo.TextChanged, AddressOf Ctrls_TextChanged
'Fill ComboBox list.
MyCombo.Name = "MyCombo"
MyCombo.Visible = False
MyCombo.Items.Add("Sales Representative")
MyCombo.Items.Add("Inside Sales Coordinator")
MyCombo.Items.Add("Vice President, Sales")
MyCombo.Items.Add("Sales Manager")
daEmp.Fill(ds, "Employees")
'Set the RowHeight of the DataGrid to the height of the ComboBox.
DataGrid1.PreferredRowHeight = MyCombo.Height
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds
DataGrid1.DataMember = "Employees"
'Add ComboBox to the Control collection of the DataGrid.
End Sub
Private Sub DataGrid1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.Paint
If DataGrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber = 3 Then
MyCombo.Width = DataGrid1.GetCurrentCellBounds.Width
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Ctrls_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
If DataGrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber = 3 Then
MyCombo.Visible = False
If DataGrid1.Item(DataGrid1.CurrentCell) & "" = "" Then
End If
DataGrid1.Item(DataGrid1.CurrentCell) = MyCombo.Text
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DataGrid1_CurrentCellChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.CurrentCellChanged
If DataGrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber = 3 Then
MyCombo.Visible = False