日期:2012-02-29  浏览次数:20501 次




public void SetTexture(
    int stage, //纹理混合阶段序号,从0开始
    BaseTexture texture //要设置的纹理对象


public void SetTextureStageState(
    int stage, //纹理混合阶段序号
    TextureStageStates state, // TextureStageStates enumeration的成员
    int value //对应阶段状态的值


public void SetSamplerState(
    int stage, //纹理混合阶段序号
    SamplerStageStates state, // SamplerStageStates enumeration的成员
  int value  //对应采样器状态的值


当然如果使用CustomVertex.PositionTextured 也是可以的,它不包括法线信息。

接下来我们需要为每个Vertex指定信息,我们先打断一下讲讲纹理坐标,为了通过指定纹理坐标来访问纹理中的每个图素,DX采用了一个一般化的编址方案,纹理地址由[0.0,1.0]区间内的坐标组成,这样我们就不用关心纹理的实际尺寸,例如可以使用(0.0f,0.0f) ,(1.0f,0.0f),(1.0f,1.0f),(0.0f,1.0f)把一个纹理贴到一个矩形上,同样如果(0.0f,0.0f) ,(0。5f,0.0f),(0.5,1.0f),(0.0f,1.0f)就是纹理的左半边。




// File: texture.cs


// Desc: Better than just lights and materials, 3D objects look much more

//       convincing when texture-mapped. Textures can be thought of as a sort

//       of wallpaper, that is shrinkwrapped to fit a texture. Textures are

//       typically loaded from image files, and D3DX provides a utility to

//       function to do this for us. Like a vertex buffer, textures have

//       Lock() and Unlock() functions to access (read or write) the image

//       data. Textures have a width, height, miplevel, and pixel format. The

//       miplevel is for "mipmapped" textures, an advanced performance-

//       enhancing feature which uses lower resolutions of the texture for

//       objects in the distance where detail is less noticeable. The pixel

//       format determines how the colors are stored in a texel. The most

//       common formats are the 16-bit R5G6B5 format (5 bits of red, 6-bits of

//       green and 5 bits of blue) and the 32-bit A8R8G8B8 format (8 bits each

//       of alpha, red, green, and blue).


//       Textures are associated with geometry through texture coordinates.

//       Each vertex has one or more sets of texture coordinates, which are

//       named tu and tv and range from 0.0 to 1.0. Texture coordinates can be

//       supplied by the geometry, or can be automatically generated using