日期:2012-04-14  浏览次数:20572 次

'Public Function NumberToString(Number As Double) As String
'调用形式:debug.print NumberToString(1234.32)
Dim StrNO(19) As String
Dim Unit(8) As String
Dim StrTens(9) As String

Public Function NumberToString(Number As Double) As String
Dim Str As String, BeforePoint As String, AfterPoint As String, tmpStr As String
Dim Point As Integer
Dim nBit As Integer
Dim CurString As String
Call Init
Str = CStr(Round(Number, 2))
' Str = Number
If InStr(1, Str, ".") = 0 Then
BeforePoint = Str
AfterPoint = ""
BeforePoint = Left(Str, InStr(1, Str, ".") - 1)
AfterPoint = Right(Str, Len(Str) - InStr(1, Str, "."))
End If

If Len(BeforePoint) > 12 Then
NumberToString = "Too Big."
Exit Function
End If
Str = ""
Do While Len(BeforePoint) > 0
nNumLen = Len(BeforePoint)
If nNumLen Mod 3 = 0 Then
CurString = Left(BeforePoint, 3)
BeforePoint = Right(BeforePoint, nNumLen - 3)
CurString = Left(BeforePoint, (nNumLen Mod 3))
BeforePoint = Right(BeforePoint, nNumLen - (nNumLen Mod 3))
End If
nBit = Len(BeforePoint) / 3
tmpStr = DecodeHundred(CurString)
If (BeforePoint = String(Len(BeforePoint), "0") Or nBit = 0) And Len(CurString) = 3 Then
If CInt(Left(CurString, 1)) <> 0 And CInt(Right(CurString, 2)) <> 0 Then
tmpStr = Left(tmpStr, InStr(1, tmpStr, Unit(4)) + Len(Unit(4))) & Unit(8) & " " & Right(tmpStr, Len(tmpStr) - (InStr(1, tmpStr, Unit(4)) + Len(Unit(4))))
Else 'If CInt(Left(CurString, 1)) <> 0 And CInt(Right(CurString, 2)) = 0 Then
tmpStr = Unit(8) & " " & tmpStr
End If
End If

If nBit = 0 Then
Str = Trim(Str & " " & tmpStr)
Str = Trim(Str & " " & tmpStr & " " & Unit(nBit))
End If
If Left(Str, 3) = Unit(8) Then Str = Trim(Right(Str, Len(Str) - 3))
If BeforePoint = String(Len(BeforePoint), "0") Then Exit Do
'Debug.Print Str
BeforePoint = Str

If Len(AfterPoint) > 0 Then
AfterPoint = Unit(6) & " " & DecodeHundred(AfterPoint) & " " & Unit(7)
AfterPoint = Unit(5)
End If
NumberToString = BeforePoint & " " & AfterPoint
End Function
Private Function DecodeHundred(HundredString As String) As String
Dim tmp As Integer
If Len(HundredString) > 0 And Len(HundredString) <= 3 Then
Select Case Len(HundredString)
Case 1
tmp = CInt(HundredString)
If tmp <> 0 Then DecodeHundred = StrNO(tmp)
Case 2
tmp = CInt(HundredString)
If tmp <> 0 Then
If (tmp < 20) Then
DecodeHundred = StrNO(tmp)
If CInt(Right(HundredString, 1)) = 0 Then
DecodeHundred = StrTens(Int(tmp / 10))
DecodeHundred = StrTens(Int(tmp / 10)) & "-" & StrNO(CInt(Right(HundredString, 1)))
End If
End If
End If
Case 3
If CInt(Left(HundredString, 1)) <> 0 Then
DecodeHundred = StrNO(CInt(Left(HundredString, 1))) & "