日期:2012-06-16  浏览次数:20461 次

create proc up_GetTopicList
       @a_strForumID varchar(50) ,
       @a_intPageNo int  ,
       @a_intPageSize int
   declare @intBeginID         int
   declare @intEndID           int
   declare @intRootRecordCount int
   declare @intPageCount       int
   declare @intRowCount        int
   set nocount on
   select @intRootRecordCount = count(*) from bbs_topic where fatherid=0 and forumid=@a_strForumID
   if (@intRootRecordCount = 0)    --如果没有贴子,则返回零
       return 0
   if (@a_intPageNo - 1) * @a_intPageSize > @intRootRecordCount
      return (-1)

   set @intRowCount = (@a_intPageNo - 1) * @a_intPageSize + 1
   set rowcount @intRowCount
   select @intBeginID = rootid from bbs_topic where fatherid=0 and forumid=@a_strForumID
          order by tid desc

   set @intRowCount = @a_intPageNo * @a_intPageSize
   set rowcount @intRowCount
   select @intEndID = rootid from bbs_topic where fatherid=0 and forumid=@a_strForumID
          order by tid desc

   set rowcount 0
   set nocount off   

   select a.tid , a.layer , a.forumid , a.subject , a.faceid , a.hits , a.posttime , a.UserID , a.fatherid , a.rootid ,
         'Bytes' = datalength(a.content) , b.loginname  , b.Email  , b.HomePage , b.Signature , b.Point
     from bbs_topic as a join BBS_User as b on a.UserID = b.uid
     where Forumid=@a_strForumID and a.rootid between @intEndID and @intBeginID
         order by a.rootid desc , a.ordernum desc
   --select @@rowcount
