Gets or sets an array of columns that function as primary keys for the data table.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property PrimaryKey As DataColumn ()
public DataColumn[] PrimaryKey {get; set;}
public: __property DataColumn* get_PrimaryKey();
public: __property void set_PrimaryKey(DataColumn*[]);
function get PrimaryKey() : DataColumn[];
public function set PrimaryKey(DataColumn[]);
Property Value
An array of DataColumn objects.
Exception Type Condition
DataException The key is a foreign key.
The primary key of a table must be unique to identify the record in the table. It's also possible to have a table with a primary key made up of two or more columns. This occurs when a single column can't contain enough unique values. For example, a two column primary key might consist of a "FirstName" and "LastName" column. Because primary keys can be made up of more than one column, the PrimaryKey property consists of an array of DataColumn objects.
[Visual Basic, C#] The first example shows how to return the primary key columns for a DataTable displayed in a DataGrid. The second example demonstrates how to set the primary key columns for a DataTable.
[Visual Basic]
Private Sub GetPrimaryKeys(myTable As DataTable)
' Create the array for the columns.
Dim colArr() As DataColumn
colArr = myTable.PrimaryKey
' Get the number of elements in the array.
Console.WriteLine("Column Count: " & colArr.Length.ToString())
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To colArr.GetUpperBound(0)
Console.WriteLine(colArr(i).ColumnName & colArr(i).DataType.ToString())
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub SetPrimaryKeys()
' Create a new DataTable and set two DataColumn objects as primary keys.
Dim myTable As DataTable = new DataTable()
Dim keys(2) As DataColumn
Dim myColumn As DataColumn
' Create column 1.
myColumn = New DataColumn()
myColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
myColumn.ColumnName= "FirstName"
' Add the column to the DataTable.Columns collection.
' Add the column to the array.
keys(0) = myColumn
' Create column 2 and add it to the array.
myColumn = New DataColumn()
myColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
myColumn.ColumnName = "LastName"
' Add the column to the array.
keys(1) = myColumn
' Set the PrimaryKeys property to the array.
myTable.PrimaryKey = keys
End Sub
private void GetPrimaryKeys(DataTable myTable){
// Create the array for the columns.
DataColumn[] colArr;
colArr = myTable.PrimaryKey;
// Get the number of elements in the array.
Console.WriteLine("Column Count: " + colArr.Length);
for(int i = 0; i < colArr.Length; i++){
Console.WriteLine(colArr[i].ColumnName + colArr[i].DataType);
private void SetPrim