- Decoding and de-serializing of the request message
- Invoking the Remote Method
- Encoding and serialization of the response message
public string SyncProcessMessage(string request)
// Request: decoding and deserializing byte[] reqbyteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(request);
MemoryStream reqstream = new MemoryStream();
reqstream.Write(reqbyteArray, 0, reqbyteArray.Length);
reqstream.Position = 0;
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
IMessage reqmsg = (IMessage)bf.Deserialize(reqstream);
reqmsg.Properties["__Uri"] = reqmsg.Properties["__Uri2"];
// work around!! reqstream.Close();
// Action: invoke the Remote Method string[] stype = reqmsg.Properties["__TypeName"].ToString().Split(new Char[]{','});
// split typename Assembly asm = Assembly.Load(stype[1].TrimStart(new char[]{' '}));
// load type of the remote object Type objectType = asm.GetType(stype[0]);
// type string objectUrl = reqmsg.Properties["__Uri"].ToString();
// endpoint object ro = RemotingServices.Connect(objectType, objectUrl);
// create proxy TraceIMessage(reqmsg);
IMessage rspmsg = RemotingServices.ExecuteMessage((MarshalByRefObject)ro,
// Response: encoding and serializing MemoryStream rspstream = new MemoryStream();
bf.Serialize(rspstream, rspmsg);
rspstream.Position = 0;
string response = Convert.ToBase64String(rspstream.ToArray());
return response;
public string SyncProcessSoapMessage(string request)
IMessage retMsg = null;
string response;
// Request: deserialize string into the SoapMessage SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter();
sf.TopObject = new SoapMessage();
StreamWriter rspsw = new StreamWriter(new MemoryStream());
rspsw.BaseStream.Position = 0;
ISoapMessage soapmsg = (ISoapMessage)sf.Deserialize(rspsw.BaseStream);
// Action: invoke the Remote Method object[] values = soapmsg.ParamValues;
string[] stype = values[2].ToS