日期:2012-11-21  浏览次数:20461 次

Class MDIForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'member mnuMain
Friend WithEvents mnuEditPaste As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
Friend WithEvents toolScan As System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButton
private sub showChild()
dim frmTmp as new MDIChildFom'define a new instantce of MDIChildForm
frmTmp.MdiParent = me 'set the new form to be a Mdichild
frmTmp.show() 'show the new form
end sub
end Class
Class MDIChildForm
'set mnuEditPaste & toolScan cannot be seen
private sub setMDIMnuToolUnvisible()
' first method you can set a menuitem to be unvisible'
'this method you could not control one MenuItem
'you can only set a group of menuitems
me.MdiParent.Menu.Menuitems(0).visible = False 'set the first group menuitem can not be seen
'with this method you have not right to modify toolScan

dim frmMdi as MDIForm
if tyhpeof me.MdiParent is MDIForm
frmMdi = DirectCast(me.Mdiparent, MDIForm)'get the instantce of me.MdiParent
'then you should access all the members of class MDIForm without private members
frmMdi.mnuEditPaste = False
frmMdi.toolScan = Flase
'like this you could do everything with MDIForm you want
end if

end sub
end Class