日期:2013-09-13  浏览次数:20483 次

当我们在窗体上添加web control例如label时,vs.net会自动添加runat=server把它当成服务器控件,但是当我们添加自定义的控件时,我们就无法自动得到runat=server我们必须每个空间都重复添加runat=server。
'This macro checks the specified elements if they have runat=server in
'them and if not then automatically adds runat=server in them
Sub AddRunAtServer()
      'Create an Undo context object so all the changes can be
      'undone by CTRL+Z
      Dim oUnDo As UndoContext = DTE.UndoContext
      oUnDo.Open("Comment Line")         
      'Supress the User Interface. This will make it run faster
      'and make all the changes appear once
      DTE.SuppressUI = True
      'Make a call to UpdateDocument()
            'Finally Close the undo
      Catch oException As system.Exception
            Dim lcErrMsg As String
            lcErrMsg = "An error occured while running this program." _
                              & " Please make sure that you are specifying the" _
                              & " correct parameters."
             'Undo the changes made to the document
            DTE.SuppressUI = False
            'Rest the Supress UI
            DTE.SuppressUI = False
      End Try
End Sub
'This method is used internally to do the actual work for adding
'runat=server for a specified element type
Private Sub UpdateDocument(ByVal tcStringToSearch As String)
      'Get a reference to the currently open document
      Dim oDoc As TextDocument
      oDoc = DTE.ActiveDocument.Object("TextD