日期:2013-12-21  浏览次数:20543 次

Abstract: this article develops a reasonably secure login facility utilizing the inbuilt features of ASP.Net (forms based authentication). Also presented is an introduction to related security features and issues, in particular mentioning how security could be further improved by consideration of technologies external to .Net.

This article considers and develops a reasonably secure login facility for use within an Internet application utilizing the inbuilt features of ASP.Net. This login facility is intended to protect an administrative section of an Internet site where there are only a limited number of users who will have access to that section of the site. The rest of the site will be accessible to unauthorized users. This problem specification will guide our decision-making.
Also presented are suggestions as to how this security could be improved if you cross the boundary of ASP.Net functionality into supporting technologies. Firstly, however I'll provide an overview of web application security and the features available in ASP.Net, focusing particularly on forms based authentication, as this is the approach we shall eventually use as the basis for our login facility.

Pre-requisites for this article include some prior knowledge of ASP.Net (web.config, security, etc.) and related technologies (e.g. IIS) as well as a basic understanding of general web and security related concepts, e.g. HTTP, cookies.

Web application security: authentication and authorization
Different web sites require different levels of security. Some portions of a web site commonly require password-protected areas and there are many ways to implement such security, the choice largely dependent on the problem domain and the specific application requirements.
Security for web applications is comprised of two processes: authentication and authorization. The process of identifying your user and authenticating that they are who they claim they are is authentication. Authorization is the process of determining whether the authenticated user has access to the resource they are attempting to access.

The authentication process requires validation against an appropriate data store, commonly called an authority, for example an instance of Active Directory.

ASP.Net provides authorization services using both the URL and the file of the requested resource. Both checks must be successful for the user to be allowed to proceed to access said resource.

Authentication via ASP.Net
ASP.Net arrives complete with the following authentication providers that provide interfaces to other levels of security existing within and/ or external to the web server computer system:
integrated windows authentication using NTLM or Kerberos.
forms based authentication
passport authentication
As with other configuration requirements web.config is utilized to define security settings such as:
the authentication method to use
the users who are permitted to use the application
how sensitive data should be encrypted
Looking at each authentication method in turn with a view to their use in our login facility:
Integrated Windows
This is a secure method but it is only supported by Internet Explorer and therefore most suited to intranet situations where browser type can be controlled. In fact it is the method of choice for Intranet applications. Typically it involves authentication against a Windows domain authority such as Active Directory or the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) using Windows NT Challenge/ Response (NLTM).
Integrated Windows authentication uses the domain, username and computer name of the client user to generate a ‘challenge’. The client must enter the correct password which will causes the correct response to be generated and returned to the server.

In order for integrated Windows authentication to be used succ