日期:2014-01-09  浏览次数:20596 次


Imports System.Diagnostics

Public Class FSVCommon

    '功能  :关闭指定进程
    '参数  :ProcessName:进程名
    Public Shared Function KillProcess(ByVal ProcessName As String)
        Dim pProcess() As Process     '进程序列
        Dim myProcess As Process      '进程名

        pProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName(ProcessName)
        For Each myProcess In pProcess
    End Function

    '功能  :计算指定字符串的长度(Web)
    '参数  :txtString:指定字符串
    Private Function GetLength(ByVal txtString As String) As Integer
        Dim textLength As Integer                         '字符串的长度
        textLength = txtString.Length

        Dim i As Integer                                  '循环变量

        For i = 0 To txtString.Length - 1
            If Not (0 <= Asc(txtString.Substring(i, 1)) _
                And Asc(txtString.Substring(i, 1)) <= 255) And _
                Not (65377 <= Asc(txtString.Substring(i, 1)) _
                And Asc(txtString.Substring(i, 1)) <= 65439) Then
                textLength = textLength + 1
            End If

        Return textLength
    End Function

End Class