日期:2014-01-22  浏览次数:20463 次





Private Type Mp3ID3V1
    Header As String * 3
    Title As String * 30
    Artist As String * 30
    Album As String * 30
    Year As String * 4
    Comment As String * 30
    Genre As String * 1
End Type


Private Type Mp3ID3V2
    Header As String * 3
    Ver As Byte
    Revision As Byte
    Flag As Byte
    Size(3) As Byte
End Type

Private Type Mp3ID3V2Tag
    Tag As String * 4
    Size(3) As Byte
    Flag(1) As Byte
End Type


Private Enum MediaType
    mciMIDI = 1
    mciMP3 = 2
    mciASF = 4
    mciVIDEO = 8
    mciWAVE = 16
End Enum
Private Type MusicInfo
    FileName As String
    MusicType As MediaType
    Title As String
    Artist As String
    Album As String
    Year As String
    Lyrics As String
    Writer As String
    Composer As String
    Bits As String
    Sample As String
    Length As Long
End Type


Private Function GetMusicInfo(udtInfo As MusicInfo) As Boolean
    Dim strFileName As String, a() As String, i As Long
    With udtInfo
        strFileName = Dir(.FileName, vbNormal Or vbHidden Or vbReadOnly Or vbSystem Or vbArchive)
        If strFileName = vbNullString Then Exit Function
        .MusicType = GetMCIType(strFileName)
        If .MusicType And mciMP3 Then
            GetMusicInfo = GetMP3Info(udtInfo)
        ElseIf .MusicType And mciASF Then
            GetMusicInfo = GetASFInfo(udtInfo)
        End If
    End With
End Function

Private Function GetMCIType(strFileName As String) As MediaType
    Dim ext As String
    If strFileName <> vbNullString Then
        ext = LCase$(Mid$(strFileName, InStrRev(strFileName, ".")))
        Select Case ext
            Case ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".avi", ".mpe", ".mpa", ".m1v", ".ifo", ".vob"
                GetMCIType = mciVIDEO
            Case ".mp3"
                GetMCIType = mciMP3