日期:2014-01-25  浏览次数:20527 次




AuthorDate Of SubmissionUser LevelJigar Desai09/27/2004Intermediate
Download: Remote Post 2Kb IntroductionSometime you need to post a form to an different url from asp.net pages, for example you might need to send user to third party payment processing system using post method, asp.net does not provide any straight forward way to accomplish this task.

Problem which most users faces with server side form in aspx page are, you are not allowed to change action of form and you are allowed to use only one server side form per page.

Possible Solutions
1) One possible solution to this problem is to Create your own form control and use it on page this will allow you to change action of form, but again what if you do not want some existing input elements in current page to go to post.

2) There is good way to post form data using HttpWebResponse & HttpWebRequest class if you want to post data behind the scenes, but if you want to post data using user browser then you are stuck.

Our Solution

I will try to show you one possible way to accomplish this task, we will create 1)component that will create form with required fields and post the form to specified url, 2) web page that will use that component to post data and 3) page which will receive that data and display posted data.

A) RemotePost Class. public class RemotePost{
    private System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection Inputs 
    = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection()

    public string Url = ""
    public string Method = "post"
    public string FormName = "form1"
    public void Add(string name,string value){
    public void Post(){
            for(int i=0i< Inputs.Keys.Counti++){
Properties of our component

1) "Url" which is action of our form.

2) "Method" which is Method of our form, default is Post but you can also use Get

3) "FormName" which is name of form.

Methods of our component.

1) "Add" which will be used to add form input name and value. and

2) "Post" which will render html on page