日期:2014-01-27  浏览次数:20478 次


Get All Elements of Sketch Example (VB)




This example shows how to get all of the elements of a sketch.



' Preconditions: Model document is open and a sketch is selected.

' Postconditions: None



Option Explicit

Public Enum swSkSegments_e

    swSketchLINE = 0

    swSketchARC = 1

    swSketchELLIPSE = 2

    swSketchSPLINE = 3

    swSketchTEXT = 4

    swSketchPARABOLA = 5

End Enum

Sub ProcessTextFormat _

( _

    swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, _

    swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, _

    swTextFormat As SldWorks.textFormat _


    Debug.Print "        BackWards                    = " & swTextFormat.BackWards

    Debug.Print "        Bold                         = " & swTextFormat.Bold

    Debug.Print "        CharHeight                   = " & swTextFormat.CharHeight

    Debug.Print "        CharHeightInPts              = " & swTextFormat.CharHeightInPts

    Debug.Print "        CharSpacingFactor            = " & swTextFormat.CharSpacingFactor

    Debug.Print "        Escapement                   = " & swTextFormat.Escapement

    Debug.Print "        IsHeightSpecifiedInPts       = " & swTextFormat.IsHeightSpecifiedInPts

    Debug.Print "        Italic                       = " & swTextFormat.Italic

    Debug.Print "        LineLength                   = " & swTextFormat.LineLength

    Debug.Print "        LineSpacing