日期:2014-04-29 浏览次数:20533 次
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Creates or deletes the virtual directory http://localhost/channel7
' Valid command line switches: -i -u -q
' -i Install virtual directory
' -u Remove virtual directory
' -q Run in quiet mode
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' See http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/en/advanced/iis/default.asp?url=/windows2000/en/advanced/iis/htm/asp/aore8v5e.htm
Option Explicit
Dim vPath,vName, vWshShell, vObjArgs, vInstall, vRemove, vQuiet, i
vName = "channel7"
' get current path to folder
vPath = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InStrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\", 15) - 1)
vPath = vPath & "\owbase"
'Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'vPath = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\channel7") & "\owbase"
vQuiet = False
vInstall = False
vRemove = False
Set vObjArgs = WScript.Arguments
For i = 0 To vObjArgs.Count - 1
If InStr(LCase(vObjArgs(i)), "i") <> 0 Then
vInstall = True
Elseif InStr(LCase(vObjArgs(i)), "u") <> 0 Then
vRemove = True
End If
If InStr(LCase(vObjArgs(i)), "q") <> 0 Then
vQuiet = True
End If
If vRemove Then
DeleteVDir vName
Elseif vInstall Then
CreateVDir vName, vPath
End If
Sub CreateVDir(pName, pPath)
Dim vRoot, vBaseDir, vWebSite, ipSecurityObj, ipList
On Error Resume Next
' get the local host default web
Set vWebSite = GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc/1")
If Not IsObject(vWebSite) Then
Display "Unable to locate the Default Web Site. IIS must be installed and running."
Exit Sub
'Display vWebSite.name
End if
' get the root
Set vRoot = vWebSite.GetObject("IIsWebVirtualDir", "Root")
If (Err <> 0) Then
Display "Unable to access root for " & vWebSite.ADsPath
Exit Sub
'Display vRoot.name
End If
' find or create the ow vroot.
' The physical path to http://localhost/ow is set to the ...<install-dir>\owbase folder
Err.Number = 0 'Clear Error
Set vBaseDir = GetObject(vRoot.ADsPath & "/" + pName)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Err.Number = 0
Set vBaseDir = vRoot.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", pName)
vBaseDir.AccessRead = True
vBaseDir.AccessFlags = 513 ' = 0x200 + 0x01 = MD_ACCESS_SCRIPT + MD_ACCESS_READ
vBaseDir.AppCreate False
vBaseDir.AspAllowSessionState = False
vBaseDir.SetInfo ' This section restricts access to everyone except localhost (
'Set ipSecurityObj = vBaseDir.IpSecurity