本帖最后由 wwwaone 于 2013-02-18 14:16:19 编辑
public string saveFundTableToOrderMoveInfo()
int countOk = 0, countNo = 0;
string[] tempstr = str.Split('|');
for (int i = 0; i < tempstr.Length - 1; i++)
string[] arrystr = tempstr[i].ToString().Split(',');
int flag = stockBLL.orderMoveSave(ordersheetno, arrystr[0].ToString(), movesheetno, arrystr[1].ToString(), arrystr[2].ToString(), arrystr[3].ToString(), adduser, addDate, storageId, arrystr[4].ToString());
if (flag == 0)
countOk = countOk + 1;
countNo = countNo + 1;
DataTable dt = ExecuteCmd("*", "tb_yc_fund_table", "where sheetno='" + ordersheetno + "' and del_flag=0 and quehuo_flag=0 order by fund_id").Tables[0];
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
ordermove.sheetno = movesheetno;
ordermove.moveout_departId = Int32.Parse(departId);
ordermove.moveout_storageId = Int32.Parse(storageId);
ordermove.moveout_date = DateTime.Parse(addDate);
ordermove.moveout_user = adduser;
ordermove.movein_departId = Int32.Parse(indepartId);
ordermove.movein_storageId = Int32.Parse(instorageId);
for (int i =