日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:21224 次
private void OpenPreviewWindow()
int iHeight = 320;
int iWidth = 200;
// Open Preview window in picturebox
hHwnd = capCreateCaptureWindowA(iDevice.ToString(), (WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD), 0, 0, 640, 480, pictureBox1.Handle.ToInt32(), 0);
// Connect to device
if (SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT, iDevice, 0) != 1)
// Set the preview scale
SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_SET_SCALE, 1, 0);
// Set the preview rate in milliseconds
SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEWRATE, 66, 0);
// Start previewing the image from the camera
SendMessage(hHwnd, WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEW, 1, 0);
// Resize window to fit in picturebox
SetWindowPos(hHwnd, HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight, (SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER));