日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:21047 次
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Angle angle = new Angle(25, 58, 23); object objectAngle = angle;//Box Console.WriteLine(((Angle)objectAngle).Hours); //Unbox and discard ((Angle)objectAngle).MoveTo(26, 58, 23); Console.WriteLine(((Angle)objectAngle).Hours); //Box, modify and discard ((IAngle)angle).MoveTo(26, 58, 23); Console.WriteLine(((Angle)angle).Hours); //Modify heap directly ((IAngle)objectAngle).MoveTo(26, 58, 23); Console.WriteLine(((Angle)objectAngle).Hours); Console.ReadKey(); } } struct Angle : IAngle { public Angle(int hours, int minutes, int seconds) { _Hours = hours; _Minutes = minutes; _Seconds = seconds; } private int _Hours; public int Hours { get { return _Hours; } } private int _Minutes; public int Minutes { get { return _Minutes; } } private int _Seconds; public int Seconds { get { return _Seconds; } } public Angle Move(int hours, int minutes, int seconds) { return new Angle(Hours + hours, Minutes + minutes, Seconds + seconds); } #region IAngle 成员 public void MoveTo(int hours, int minutes, int seconds) { _Hours = hours; _Minutes = minutes; _Seconds = seconds; } #endregion }