日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20998 次

如果有数字签名,读出签名人信息, 就可以判断是微软的签名还是第三方签名

非常感谢, 可以有偿报酬。。。


文件版本 : 0.0.0011
说明 : 获取文件信息
版权 : PurpleEndurer
产品版本 : 0.0.0011
产品名称 : FileInfo
公司名称 : PurpleEndurer
合法商标 : PurpleEndurer
内部名称 : FileInfo
源文件名 : FileInfo.exe
创建时间 : 2007-11-6 22:8:9
修改时间 : 2008-7-16 9:51:56
大小 : 15872 字节 15.512 KB


需要使用windows api来校验数字签名,可以判断文件是否有数字签名,是否通过验证,好像无法读取签名人信息:
Example C Program: Verifying the Signature of a PE File

C#: Determining if a file has a valid digital signature 

good luck

using System.Diagnostics;


FileVersionInfo info = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(@"C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\bin\abe.exe");

Comments Gets the comments associated with the file. 
CompanyName Gets the name of the company that produced the file. 
FileBuildPart Gets the build number of the file. 
FileDescription Gets the description of the file. 
FileMajorPart Gets the major part of the version number. 
FileMinorPart Gets the minor part of the version number of the file. 
FileName Gets the name of the file that this instance of FileVersionInfo describes. 
FilePrivatePart Gets the file private part number. 
FileVersion Gets the file version number. 
InternalName Gets the internal name of the file, if one exists. 
IsDebug Gets a value that specifies whether the file contains debugging information or is compiled with debugging features enabled. 
IsPatched Gets a value that specifies whether the file has been modified and is not identical to the original shipping file of the same version number. 
IsPreRelease Gets a value that specifies whether the file is a development version, rather than a commercially released product. 
IsPrivateBuild Gets a value that specifies whether the file was built using standard release procedures. 
IsSpecialBuild Gets a value that specifies whether the file is a special build. 
Language Gets the default language string for the version info block. 
LegalCopyright Gets all copyright notices that apply to the specified file. 
LegalTrademarks Gets the trademarks and registered trademarks that apply to the file. 
OriginalFilename Gets the name the file was created with. 
PrivateBuild Gets information about a private version of the file. 
ProductBuildPart Gets the build number of the product this file is associated with. 
ProductMajorPart Gets the major part of the version number for the product this file is associated with. 
ProductMinorPart Gets the minor part of the version number for the product the file is associated with. 
ProductName Gets the name of the product this file is distributed with. 
ProductPrivatePart Gets the private part number of the product this file is associated with. 
ProductVersion Gets the version of the product this file is distributed with. 
SpecialBuild Gets the special build information for the file.