日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20780 次
select * into #workTable from ( select 1 as id ,'张三' as work_name,'2012-06-18' as work_date,'test' as work_content, 0 as status union select 2,'张三','2012-06-22','test2',0 union select 3,'张三','2012-06-26','test4',0 union select 4,'张三','2012-06-28','test4',0 union select 5,'张三','2012-06-30','test4',0) a while exists(select 1 from #workTable where dateadd(day,1,work_date) not in (select work_date from #workTable) and ID <> (select MAX(id) from #workTable)) begin insert into #workTable select id,'',convert(varchar(10),dateadd(day,1,work_date),120),'',0 from #workTable where dateadd(day,1,work_date) not in (select work_date from #workTable) and ID <> (select MAX(id) from #workTable) end select * from #workTable order by ID,work_date